We are just a short week away from the showcase, can you believe it!?
With that in mind, we’ve created this checklist to make sure you’ve planned, prepared, and packed! And of course, we are just a phone call or email away if you have any questions.
First things first: find a few quiet minutes to review your showcase information. This is absolutely our #1 request because you will not only feel informed, you’ll have peace of mind! Our team spends hours making sure we’re organized behind the scenes, and we want you to be caught up on all of the pertinent details, especially arrival/dismissal times and security precautions.
If you have guests outside of your immediate family who are attending the show, make sure you have shared with them the need-to-know info, particularly about tickets, parking, and audience etiquette.
In the days leading up to the show, encourage your dancer to keep a balanced schedule: help them get lots of rest, healthy snacks, plenty of water, and make sure they aren't putting too much stress on themselves from school or dance. Even young dancers can internalize outside pressures, and we want to keep showcase preparations feeling fun and exciting for them.
Label everything! Add your child's name or initials to the tags inside their costume, tights, shoes, and any other important items in their dance bag or garment bag. An easy way to do this? Write on a small piece of masking tape or painter’s tape and stick it inside the item.
Consider packing a small “backstage” kit to keep in your child’s dance bag. Add in any supplies that might come in handy at the last-minute, such as safety pins, Band-Aids, cotton balls, hair spray, or bobby pins. A spare pair of tights doesn’t hurt either!
Remove your child’s nail polish prior to the big day (it can be distracting from the stage) and have a practice session with their hair and make-up. Not only is this fun, it will ease any nerves you have about making sure they are confident and ready-to-go!
Before leaving the house for showcase, make sure your dancer’s costume, tights, shoes, and accessories are packed! This seems obvious of course, but in the busyness of the day, it helps to double and triple-check before heading out the door. Remember to leave valuables at home so they will not be left unattended in the dressing room.
And hey, don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back for being an awesome parent! We truly have some of the most attentive, involved, and supportive parents (and grandparents) here at Tamara Howe School of Dance, and we're happy you're one of them. We appreciate your dedication to your dancer at this extra-special time of year!